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New this week: Conjurer's Codex: Demon Clown at the Naruto d20 Store! Enjoy the book, everyone!


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Joined: 22 Oct 2015
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:12 pm    Post subject: NAURTO BASED GAME Reply with quote

Hi, guy. My name's Frankto, and I'm the owner of this website. From the very beginning, I have always supported and encouraged the competition with mentions and links to other competing sites. That being said, I don't know you and I pay for this space every month; I'm not in the habit of going the extra mile and hosting the competition as well.

To conclude, feel free to cut yourself a slice of the internet and set up shop there. Hell, if you want and if your project is related, I'll even throw you a mention.

It just won't be here. Best of luck to you!
— Frankto

Hey guys, Im Ryku the creator of a game called Akuma. Ive been playing tabletops for 6 years now and Ive always had an intrest in designing my own works. Ive already had success when it came to creating and maintaining Community Based Games through Roll20. My biggest achievement so far was Chiyo which had ended around 4 month ago. But anyways enough about me and more about what I personally need from YOU

The system has a lot of influences but the most notifiable one is that the core mechanics use a 20 sided dice.

This Game will take place in Ancient Japan, where Oni and humans struggled to live as they fought for dominance of the world. Shinobi where created after hundreds of years of studying the Onis ancient ways of magic and mind. Aftering gaining such powers they where able to successfully triumph over the demons. Now that the Oni threat was pushed back humanity decided to use that power against each other.

A group of awesome individuals who are whiling to playtest my Naruto Styled System. The tester will design their Genin Characters and play in a few sessions with me as the GM. They will also be required to jot down a few notes and give me feed back on the game-play, Guidebook Design along with anything else that may come up in the process. This honestly should be a fun experience for both you an me as we will be journeying through a world filled with oni and other shinobi that don't exactly like us! Im not asking for experienced players Im asking for the motivated players. I want people that can communicate how they feel in a professional manor.

Besides playing in an awesome game, you testers will have the options to to help design your very own Bloodlines (Clans) or keep your current character when the official game is released.

If so just comment and Ill send you a copy of the book itself for you to read over. If you really want to help go ahead an Add me on SKYPE @ Ryku Griffin

Disclaimer- This has nothing to do with Naruto D20 and never will. The D20 System is the most popular system in the world and im not trying to style bite or whatever but this is what it is.
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