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Shadow Dance Against Puppets

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Joined: 22 Oct 2020
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:19 pm    Post subject: Shadow Dance Against Puppets Reply with quote

Hi all, sorry if the question has been posted before, but I was h able to find a reference.

Can a puppet (any size) be affected by shadow dance? Specifically, the section referring to knocking the enemy airborne on a failed fortitude save.

I know puppets are immune to fortitude saves by nature, and that the section referring to knocking an enemy airborne states that it is contingent on the enemy failing a fortitude save. My only issue here is that beyond that, there aren't really any stipulations on shadow dance as far as size or weight limit. The purpose seems to be putting serious raw power into knocking a subject airborne and following them for a follow up attack. If I could sensibly knock substantially sized creatures airborne with shadow dance, it seems a bit silly to not be able to knock any size puppet airborne whatsoever just because they are immune to fortitude saves. I could see it being limited to the distance of the chakra threads holding them or something, but beyond that seems odd.

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Bijuu/Tailed Beast

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 1:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You are almost correct, for the most part Puppets are immune to effects requiring a Fortitude save. However the actual wording is as follows:

The Main File wrote:
Puppet's Saving Throws: A puppet is completely immune to effects requiring a Fortitude save that don't deal direct damage or pushback, unless they are harmless or also work on objects, and all effects requiring a Will save.

While the wording doesn't explicitly state knockback/knocked airborne, the intent is enough that I'd allow it. Plus as you say, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to pull it off.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
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